ECOM Admin

Shopper Management
Admins manage all aspects of the shopper experience, from registration to checkout. It includes tasks such as approving pending shoppers, linking P21 customer codes, ship-tos, source locations, and contact ID. Admins can also assign shopper and PIM roles.
Shopping Lists
Create and manage shopper and customer-wide shopping lists on behalf of your customers with the ability to restrict online buying to items in the lists.

Customer Impersonation
Ability to place orders on behalf of p21 customers. Sales Reps are limited to their customers, while admins can emulate any customer.
Company Availability Management
Set which locations should be included for availibity calculations on the website. Options to show a total quantity across all locations, or show each location's availability.

My Store
Create physical stores from your P21 locations and assign shoppers to their local stores to enable pickup options. Shoppers have optional ability to see available across other stores, and also change their default store.
Integrated order automation with leading ERP systems and Producurement platforms such as SAP and Arriba.

Create and manage promotions that are tailored to your specific needs. You can set promotion codes to take a percentage or fixed amount off, and you can even restrict them to certain products or categories.
Easy-to-use approval system that allows you to approve or deny reviews before they're published, protecting your brand and preventing bogus reviews.

Region Availability
Group multiple locations into a regions to generalize your source locations into physical areas such as North East, or San Antonio Region.
Marketing Blocks
Build and scheduled marketing sections on the home page to advertise your seasonal items, promote a specific item, link to a marketing page etc.

Banner Mangement
Maintain your marketing banners on the home page and schedule them months in advance without neededing to worry about it.